Duncan Tooley FREE-feel-great-now product

A1. Feel Great Workbook

A2. Feel Great Meditation

Your intention and focus easily revise your body’s interpretation of pain. Print and use PDF workbook. Use meditation until all discomfort is gone.

Duncan Tooley's-FREE-self-hypnosis

B1.  I-RELAX Self-Hypnosis for Health & Wellness Instructions

B2.  I-RELAX Self-Hypnosis Meditation

Read the Instructions to prepare for the meditation. Compose your affirmation. Relax and listen to the meditation.


C1. Tooley’s Law of Attraction Principles

C2. Tooley’s Personal Experience of the Law of Attraction (partial)

Tooley’s interpretation of the Universal Law of Attraction (thoughts create our future by attracting matching energy) Principles and 1-hour story narration audio.


increase-anything self-empowerment session

D1.  Increase Anything Preparation e-book

D2.  My Increase Anything Control Chart

D3.  Increase Anything Hypnosis Audio

The ebook explains the process of going into your Control Center and adjusting the control for anything you want to increase using the Control Chart for practice before using the 30-minute hypnosis audio. 



E1.  Acupressure Tapping for Emotions & Pain

The one-page PDF contains the process for relief from triggered emotions and the diagram with tapping points. Works for relief from triggered emotions or pain. 



F1.  Tooley 60-Second Turn Down Process

This turn-down process is so powerful that you will want to share it with others in discomfort. All the steps are on a single page structured into a dialog for you to help another ease their pain with this process. If you have pain, have a friend use this to lead you through the process the first time. After that, you will be able to do it yourself with your eyes closed. Users have reported miracles of relief.


G1. Positive Words TO Enrich Mind & Soul

Use these positive words in your affirmations.  Use them to replace negative words you catch in your self-talk. Select a  positive word each morning and be aware of how many times you can use it during your day. See also these additional lists: Positive Words & Phrases and Positive Words A to Z.


Duncan Tooley free 31-days of well-being affirmations

H1.  One Month of Well-Being Affirmations

Thirty-one affirmations to reinforce your healthy state of well-being. Say one a hundred times each day while showering, driving, washing dishes, waiting in line, and especially while walking. Rhythmic body motion reinforces its effect. Say with some dance twirls. Be amazed at how much better you feel.

Duncan Tooley free -pain-relief-puzzle

J1.  Feel Great NOW! Word Search Puzzle

Letter-size PDF has the puzzle and special instructions. Print it.

Duncan Tooley free-medical hypnosis (benefits)

K1.  Partial List of Medical Issues Benefiting From Hypnosis

List of 50+ medical issues explicitly cited as benefiting from hypnosis in medical studies referenced in the book: End Pain & Feel Great Again.

Duncan Tooley's FREE-Ace My Exams

L1.  Ace My Exam Preparatory E-book

L2.  Ace My Exam Control Chart

L3.  Ace My Exam Meditation

Easily expand your study skills, information retention, focus, and information for the exam with a structured meditation to make adjustments to your internal Control System.

Duncan Tooley's FREE-restful sleep expels insomnia2

M1.  Restful Sleep mini-E-book

M2.  Sleep Control Chart

M3.  Restful Sleep Reminder Cards

M4.  Restful Sleep Meditation

Your intention and focus easily update the subconscious routines that regulate your sleep. Use the e-book and reminder cards with the meditation.

Tooley's FREE-Best Surgery Ever

N1.  Introduction to using Your Best Surgery Ever

N2.  Preparation for Your Best Surgery Ever

N3.  Rehabilitation from Your Best Surgery Ever

Listen to the Intro once, the Prep multiple times each day until surgery, and the Rehab until you are fully recovered.




The complete self-directed, multi-activity process for transformation to get on the path to your desires.